For those new to the Flower Show, our aims are:
To provide a fun community event, which allows everyone locally to participate
To encourage people of all ages in the community to be active in hobbies, and activities including gardening, baking, preserves, photography, crafts and arts
To raise money for local good causes
Welcome from the Organising Committee
We are proud to see our show continuing to be successful year on year and to be so well supported throughout the community. The secret to success is having such an enthusiastic team that has always looked to find ways to make small improvements. We hope you enjoy visiting this website and find the content interesting and helpful. It was only established prior to the 2023 show, and we’d welcome any feedback.
In 2022 we told you we’d discovered the show was at least 103 years old and older than Severn Beach. But with further information from the P&SB Local History Group, we now know it actually started in 1896. A report in the Western Daily Press from 5th Sept 1910 says the event was in President Mr C.L. Hunt’s field, next to St Peter’s Church. The show had raised £506 for charitable purposes over the fourteen years since it began and was second only to its older neighbour Alveston Flower Show. With Alveston sadly no more, we are now officially the oldest of the remaining local flower shows!
We know times have changed, but whereas £35 was raised from a show in the early 1900’s, we hope with your support, to be able to raise significantly more. From the 2023 show we were able to donate a record £2,000 for the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity, which was greatly appreciated. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions, especially the many local businesses for their generous donations.
Planning for the 2024 show on Saturday 24th August will start in earnest in January when the organising committee meets to choose a new charity to support. In March we’ll meet again to decide on changes to the show classes. Any suggestions for charities or classes would be welcomed. Please keep an eye on this website and the In View magazine for news.
2025 Pilning Flower Show Organising Committee
Richard Edwards (Chair and Show Co-ordinator)
Albert George (Treasurer)
Julia Edwards (Secretary)
Rosemarie Roper (Sponsorship Secretary)
Other Committee Members:
Gill & Mervyn Reeves (Cup Returns)
Meaghan O’Neil (Website)
Tasha Purdy (Catering)
Sylvia Burt
Bob Roper
Diana Lloyd
Sue Fry
Yvonne Gaulton
Honorary President: Albert George